Jo Vincent
“Vieunite is an exciting and initiative way to display, enjoy, buy and sell art. However, more importantly as an artist I am mostly excited by how my own paintings pop into life when exhibited on these screens, in a way that gives them an extra unique quality, that can only be seen when shown on a Vieunite screen by elaborating the strength of colour and movement in my paintings”

Jo Vincent is a self-taught disabled artist: her art focuses on colourful atmospheric, emotion-filled, vivid abstract paintings in oils and acrylics on canvas.

She found her passion for painting while recovering from two life-changing strokes and open-heart surgery at age 26. Art has remained a significant part of her life ever since.

Through her abstract artwork she expresses emotions, mood and her journey as a person living with invisible disability. Jo’s creative life has been a positive influence on her health and general well-being ever since her strokes and is her sanctuary during the challenging times.

Jo says “My passion for painting continues to grow, I get great satisfaction in improving my artistic skills and exploring different painting practices. As a result, in recent years I have found my voice as an abstract artist and my work has evolved and blossomed into something that I immensely proud of and excited to share with the world.”

In December 2022 Jo was granted funding from Arts Council England to develop her abstract painting and professional practices, giving her the opportunity to attend a variety of professional abstract painting courses in both Florence Italy and London during 2023. Due to this Art Council Support 2023 is set to be the best year of Jo’s creative career to date.

Jo shares “I also have the great privilege teaching young creatives with additional learning needs and disabilities as a part-time art and life skills tutor at one of Birmingham's biggest FE colleges. Showing them the beneficial nature of art can on health and well-being and the joy of finding a voice through creativity.”


Available on Vieunite.





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